The comedy manga's story centers on Oshako Jaeger, a woman who can't date men who don't live in fancy homes. She goes around judging the homes of various men.
In a survival-of-the-fiercest, two twenty-something black millennials decide it's time to call the racists out. They think it could cause a revolution, instead it causes a downgrade in ...
The series tells the remarkable story of how three young men, Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Peter Sunde and Fredrik Neij, united in the fight for a free internet and founded the download ...
Hogan, a young man who lives in a slum, is known for his super strength abilities. He moves cars with his bare hands, twists metal coins with his fingers and he is a popular eater of ...
Serial monogamist Brian O'Hara hits his mid-30s and suddenly realizes he's the last bachelor standing in his circle of friends. Not averse to the happily ever after his friends have ...
A talented young rapper, supported by his two childhood friends, finds himself overnight "validated" by one of the stars in the business. Only, this alliance quickly turns into a ...
“DASADA is a drama set on an all-girls’ highschool. Days went by with nothing worthy of note going on – until the class’ resident most ‘dasai’ (lame) girl kick-started a fashion line ...