Set in a family restaurant in Hokkaido, the northern prefecture of Japan, 16-year-old high school student Sōta Takanashi works part-time along with his strange co-workers: Popura ...
Seto Ichitaka has a crush on Yoshizuki Iori, a girl in his class who has become so popular she now has her own fan club at school. But only a miracle could make him be with her, since ...
Tiaoleng, a successful businessman in Phuket, was murdered. His grandson Chalumpol must find out the truth, meanwhile he starts to have feelings for Nampueng, who he met before but now ...
Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures is a 1987 revival of the classic Mighty Mouse cartoon character. Produced by Bakshi-Hyde Ventures, it aired on CBS on Saturday mornings from fall 1987 ...