Sedato is a musical mystery-based game show hosted by Mohsen Kiyayi with a different appearance than usual. Familiar faces such as Shabnam Moghaddami, Muhammad Bahrani, Mohsen ...
Two Office Workers Who Are Too Poisonous For One’s Eyes
020225 minHD
This story follows the adventures of a young office lady who is also a fujoshi. With the arrival of two new colleagues: Hongou (32), a mature man whose face doesn’t show any emotion, ...
When Sofia Karppi, a detective in her 30's who is trying to get over her husband's death, discovers the body of a young woman on a construction site, she triggers a chain of events that ...
Jhansi, a boutique owner, is an independent woman staying with her partner and his daughter, but an amnesiac. When she saves a girl from a molester at a wedding, Jhansi’s past catches ...