Karan, is a happy go lucky teenage student who falls truly, deeply, madly in love with her newly appointed teacher, Mohini. This new found love of Karan comes to a bump when he finds ...
Homicide was an Australian television police drama series The series dealt with the homicide squad of the Victorian Police force and the various crimes and cases the detectives are ...
Honey Valley is a town on the seashore where the characters of the film live: the culinary genius of the hedgehog Marie, the provincial fashionista of the squirrel Lucy, the melancholic ...
Jim and Julia are happily divorced, co-raising their kids while staying best friends and close confidants. But the situation gets hilariously more complicated when the owner of Jim’s ...
Michi and Marie Claire come face to face as they try to get close to the Urquiza family, one of the richest families in Mexico. There are no holds barred as to who comes out on top.