Nozomi Yumehara, a regular student, finds a magical book called the Dream Collet in the library and meets Coco and Nuts, two creatures from the Palmier Kingdom. They plead with Nozomi ...
Ichimatsu Kairo, an office worker, has been haunted by the memory of his ex-girlfriend, Kusakabe Hiyori, who disappeared seven years ago after dumping him. Despite his efforts to move ...
Hakushaku to Yōsei is a series of light novels written by Mizue Tani and published in Japan by Shueisha. The story is serialized in Cobalt magazine and illustrated by Asako ...
The "first penguin" is the courageous first penguin that dives into the sea filled with enemies. Iwasaki Nodoka is a young single mother with no money, no house, and no work. While ...
Hayfa asked Adam to marry another and Adam finally agreed to accept Aisya as his second wife. Adam tries to be fair in carrying out his responsibilities as a husband. Can they both ...