Ippatsu Kanta-kun is an anime created by Tatsunoko Production. Along with Temple the Balloonist, it was one of the last works for which Tatsunoko co-founder Tatsuo Yoshida was credited ...
In our infinite universe, there are countless planets and worlds. Among those shining stars, there exists a world called "The Roc Kun". The continent of wind is a land of wars and ...
Superman, an incredibly powerful alien from the planet Krypton, defends Metropolis from supercriminals. Superman hides his identity behind the glasses of Clark Kent; a mild-mannered ...
Before becoming a manga artist, Hiromu Arakawa spent seven years working as a farmer in Hokkaido. Well acquainted with the many emotions that are part and parcel of agricultural work, ...
Pawnshop owner Ko Yee-Man often upholds the 'emergency assistance' spirit – there will always be solutions to everything in life, with exception of his three beloved children: Oldest ...
Optimistic Hiori can’t turn away anyone in need. Awkward Ruka can’t make friends, even when she tries. But they have one thing in common: they’re magical girls, Reflectors! Now this ...