The show focuses on the emotional journey of Manav, a simple, loving and devoted husband of Akanksha and a doting father of a 6-year-old, Yatharth. Manav and Akanksha have different ...
For the 73rd class of cadets of the Defense University of the small planet Kibi, a maiden voyage on the new warship Amaterasu is a fitting event just before graduation. As they are ...
Faith in the Future is a British comedy television show running from 17 November 1995 to 27 February 1998. A sequel to the show Second Thoughts, it aired on ITV for 22 episodes.
The ...
The story centers on a woman who is getting on in years, but all her cats think she's a man so they call her Ojiichan. One day a brazen cat named Tsushima appears in Ojiichan's yard.
"Pay to Ace" realistically depicts the middle school entrance exam process while highlighting modern-day family and educational problems that are rampant in society. Not your ordinary ...
Yukino and Kanade Sakurai live together as high school students enjoying their daily life; until one day Sakuya Kamiyama confess her love for Kanade to Yukino, asking for her support. ...
In the fall of his third and final year of middle school, Hajime Aono, a violin prodigy, stopped playing violin for his own personal reasons. But it was also that year when he got to ...
Five years have passed since the occurrence of the incident known as the "Human Annihilation Mission." In Japan, a novelist is dealing with writer's block after her friend has gone ...
Plats bruts is a sitcom issued for TV3. The story talks about the life of Josep Lopez and David Güell. The show was co-produced by Kràmpack, El Terrat and Televisió de Catalunya.