This modern fairy tale tells the story of a homeless girl who dreams of helping out her family and finds her big chance of turning her life around in a fashion modeling contest - but ...
Raised from birth as a man, the Lady Oscar commands the palace guards at Versailles in the years before the French Revolution. Her beauty and noble spirit make her a shining figure in ...
Hotel is an American prime time drama series which aired on ABC from September 21, 1983 to May 5, 1988 in the timeslot following Dynasty.
Based on Arthur Hailey's 1965 novel of the ...
When a confident and feisty girl fixes an awkward but endearing guy's car on the expressway, a warm-hearted love story starts to take life. As the guy finds himself smitten by this ...
Kim Jun Hee, a member of the immensely popular five-membered band, Indigo AREA, has suffered setbacks and deep wounds, and now her boyfriend, the vocalist, suddenly announces that he is ...