Strangers with Candy is a television series produced by Comedy Central. It first aired on April 7, 1999, and concluded its third and final season on October 2, 2000. Its timeslot was ...
Wabbit is an animated series starring Bugs Bunny. The series features many other Looney Tunes characters including Wile E. Coyote, Yosemite Sam, and the Tasmanian Devil.
Rinka Urushiba is a normal high school girl, until she encounters a penguin and shoals of glowing fish swimming through the sky. She looses consciousness only to awaken with the power ...
Breaking News is an American drama television series about the fictional Milwaukee-based 24-hour cable news television network I-24, with the motto 'Around the Clock, Around the World.' ...
Covenant’s pilot episode – “The Promise” – will tell the story of a desperate middle-aged woman who’s fallen into early menopause and risks her marriage to give her much younger husband ...
In 1988, the disappearance of a young girl shocks the population of little Brígida, in the interior of southern Brazil, resulting in the banning of pagan festivities of Ivana Kupala. ...