Grimm's Fairy Tale Classics is a Japanese animated anthology series by Nippon Animation. The episodes are adaptations of a variety of folk and fairy tales, and not limited to Grimm's ...
MegaTokyo 2038: A.D. Police Officer Kenji Sasaki loses another partner to a rabid boomer.
A day after he's sent off-duty, he receives a new partner: German cop Hans Kleif.
Paper, scissors, rock! Let the game begin! Your age or status doesn’t matter here, because this place is filled with unexpected things! A prize winning survival show with 1 million won ...
When Gavrilo Princip killed Franz Ferdinand , Austrian future king , the World War I began. What will Gavrilo Princip do? He has to choose , hard jail untill death, or hanging. There ...
Delve into the oddball family life of Miranda Sings, an incredibly confident, totally untalented star on the rise, who continues to fail upward by the power of her belief that she was ...
Welcome to the crazy world of “hot-shot truckers” – a special breed of independent truckers who will haul anything, anywhere, at any time. In northern BC, two rival families and their ...