The Earth Union is locked in a massive galactic war. Aboard the Space Battleship Tiramisu, ace pilot Subaru Ichinose carries the fate of humanity on his shoulders. Life for Subaru is ...
A "will-they-won't they" relationship (ssum) of a person who hasn't dated in 20 yearsYour imagination becomes reality?? Even in a beginning-of-the-semester party??There's always a ...
"Blind Date": Pink, a dating app addict, meets Q, a mysterious handsome guy. They establish a deep connection that ends up with Pink having a strange pregnancy which haunts her until ...
This game show sees contestants solve word puzzles, similar to those used in Hangman, to win cash and prizes determined by spinning a giant carnival wheel.
Five girls work in the tourism bureau of their small provincial town. The town revives its "micro-nation" tourism program, which originated from a nationwide movement during Japan's ...