Derrick is a struggling law student who takes a job as an awards show seat filler to make ends meet. One day, he is seated next to the beautiful pop superstar Jhnelle, who mistakes him ...
A young man returns home from college during a holiday break to visit his widowed mother. Along the way he meets an attractive woman and they hit it off so well during his return trip ...
Director Toshiyuki Morioka of "Junpei, Think Again" and "Stay With Me Till The Dawn" is a sensual drama about the sadness of a beautiful prostitute and a young man who has drifted to ...
A young Pakistani, living in England thinks that he is a cowboy and dreams of leading his country music band to success in Nashville. He meets a young woman who leaves her abusive ...
A single mom and her two daughters move from their cramped Detroit apartment to a large house in the suburbs, but scratching, cries and shadows haunt their new home.