The series follows the story of Fruity, a young girl who receives a magical ball that, when rubbed, summons a fairy named Son Pari and her friend Altu.
Inami and Tamaru work at the Public Security Mobile Investigation Unit Special Investigation Team, a team made up of specialists with different expertise. Inami tackles criminals with ...
Powerful and solid series about a double drama: war and the split within the people who endure it. This action story explores for the first time on screen the second Intifada and takes ...
Cai Xiao'ai, a girl with a rare disease counting down her days, meets the cold and distant Gu Eunzhao, who offers no sympathy. Despite their differences, the two form an unlikely bond ...
Anne, the honor student princess, and Grea, a princess born from a dragon and a human are students at the Mysteria Academy, a prestigious magic school that teaches magic without ...