Cutie Honey Flash is a 1997 anime television series in the Cutie Honey franchise. In its native Japan, the series assumed the timeslot of Sailor Stars, the final story arc of the ...
Dr Lucinda Edwards is a smart, battle-hardened doctor, but we meet her on a nightmare shift that ends in the death of an opioid overdose victim, Edith Owusu. Despite the support of her ...
Raktanchal is a crime drama inspired by real-life events from the '80s of Purvanchal, Uttar Pradesh, at the time when the state development work was distributed through tenders. The ...
The adventures of con-artist Iyami and his sidekick Chibita as they constantly get foiled by a group of trouble-making sextuplets. The series also focuses on the similarly comical and ...
Elegant, proper Grace and freewheeling, eccentric Frankie are a pair of frenemies whose lives are turned upside down - and permanently intertwined - when their husbands leave them for ...
Power heroes Catboy, Owlette and Gekko are joined by new heroes, creating a bigger, even better team. Good thing, too, as new villains are in town. Our heroes will take them on in the ...
Florb the alien, is a cosmic anomaly. Born by chance at the grasp of the vastly unpredictable universe, this comic always seem to run into situational irony, and situations to extract a ...
Shimazu Toyohisa is a real-life samurai who fought in the pivotal Battle of Sekigahara. In his dying moments, Shimazu is transported to a world of magic with other famous warriors ...