Topical comedy-quiz show featuring five guests competing to see who can remember the most about events of the week. A fast-paced, funny look at international affairs, politics, sport ...
True crime documentary series showcasing stories where individuals are unaware that the night in question will be their last. From a girls'-night-out gone bad to an overnight shift at a ...
The workplace comedy's story follows a 26-year-old office worker named Momose. He recently changed jobs after his previous boss harassed him. He's worried his new boss will also use ...
Set in the glamorous metropolis Tokyo Midi City, where music—and the dream of musical superstardom—is everything. Here, “battle of the bands” is more than just a teen rivalry: Dozens of ...
Suzu Yukimiya, an obstetrician and gynaecologist who works at a hospital in a tranquil sea town, meets Issei Hiiragi, 10 years her junior. He works as a relic collector, a job that is ...
Tony Parker, a black British widower and father of two, moves to Chicago and marries Cleo Anderson, a white suburban dentist and the mother of two kids of her own. As a newly blended, ...
Johnny Bravo tells the story of a biceps-bulging, karate-chopping free spirit who believes he is a gift from God to the women of the earth. Unfortunately for Johnny, everyone else sees ...