The series tells the story of cute and smart girl Shi Xia (Wu Qianying), who accidentally came into the unfamiliar mythical world to find her disappeared brother. Her daily life with ...
When Tang Chen's career was booming, he had to declare bankruptcy when he was "sold out" by his girlfriend Shuo Bing. But soon he withdrew from the swamp of failure and actively devoted ...
Rafa, Vini and Maia are three young adults who share an apartment in São Paulo. Each living their own experiences, they seek to affirm their identities, find their own paths and a space ...
In a spinoff of the successful series Just Add Magic, we follow the magic cookbook to Bay City as it moves to three new protectors: step-siblings Zoe and Leo, and their downstairs ...
Wilderness experts Damian Duffy and Matt Hoffman set off to solve some of the most incredible mysteries of the natural world, from unexplained sea creatures spotted in Alaska to deadly ...
Azuma Kazuma isn't terribly clever, but he's got a good heart and great skill - at baking. Since childhood, he's been on a quest to create the perfect bread to represent Japan ...
The Social Welfare Agency saves the lives of terminal patients using cybernetic implants. Then it teaches them to kill. After surviving the slaughter of her family, young Henrietta ...
Journalist Zhou Daizi disappears while investigating the dark dealings of Qiansheng Entertainment Group. Her sister, Zhou Dailing, assumes her identity to uncover the truth. Partnering ...