Tactical Roar is a Japanese anime television series set in a not-too-distant future. The series is around all-female crew of the commercial Warship, the Pascal Magi. The series is mix ...
Bai Qiuran is one of Qingming's disciples, and has a lot of potential to be his successor. Even though he's still a Qi cultivator, he believes he will finally make his breakthrough this ...
Okuda Akane has been subjected to domestic violence and moral harassment by her husband, Okuda Daisuke. After experiencing a miscarriage due to domestic violence, Akane begins to ...
Imagine a world populated by beautiful, fit and vain vampires. Reginald Andres tumbles headlong into it as an unlikely hero who will have to navigate every kind of obstacle – the girl ...
A story that follows Emperor Renzong of Song as he struggles between maintaining his ideologies of governing the country and his love for his daughter.
When a secret from the past rears its head, respected warrior Feng Zhiwei is forced to choose between revenge and her loyalty to ruling prince Ning Yi.