The Brotherhood of Poland, New Hampshire is an American drama series created by David E. Kelley that aired on CBS. The show offers the typical quirkiness and eccentric humor that have ...
Adam and Havva have grown up worlds apart. He is the son of an Irish Catholic pastor, she the daughter of a Muslim family that adheres strongly to its traditions. And yet, though their ...
Vicky is the only son of Halvar, the formidable viking chief. Vicky renounces violence but nevertheless he is able to convince the seasoned viking warriors to take him along on their ...
Just before his wedding, businessman Fang Xuewen is falsely accused of his fiancée Liu Jingzhi’s murder and is killed in a barrage of bullets. But to his shock, he wakes up in a time ...
Love is only a part of life.
Getting married is like winning the lottery.
I want the morals and character of the man I will marry to be the same as when I was a lover...
A love that ...