The story revolves around Umesh, who rekindles his romance with his long-lost college crush Ketaki, a divorcee. Meanwhile, Umesh's son Tejas meets the girl of his dreams: Reva. As the ...
As sadomasochistic yakuza enforcer Kakihara searches for his missing boss he comes across Ichi, a repressed and psychotic killer who may be able to inflict levels of pain that Kakihara ...
Aaron Quicksilver is a mysterious storyteller whose listeners invariably end up as the subjects of his gruesome, grisly tales. He tells a new bride stranded on a desert highway a ...
1991. Harrison Lloyd, a renowned photojournalist covering the war in Yugoslavia, is reported missing. Sarah, his wife, convinced that he is not dead, decides to go to Bosnia to find him.
The owner of a cosmetics company is unveiling a new cream which she claims she's been using. She's been keeping her age a secret and now reveals that she's 60 and owes her appearance to ...
A six-year-old boy living in the outskirts of Nairobi uses an unusual ability to escape a harsh reality, in this wildly imaginative and emotionally affecting tale of childhood by Kenyan ...