Follows the adventures of Eikichi Onizuka and Ryuji Danma together known as Oni-Baku, Shonan's strongest fighting duo as they try to lose their virginities, while trying to survive ...
Three friends Pargat, Goldy, and Jeeta, shift to Chandigarh and look out for ways to make easy money. They get involved in illegal activities. Their lives take a gripping turn when they ...
Police Captain César Wagner is a compulsive hypochondriac, obsessed with his work. His singular, distinctive style unsettles not only his suspects but also the members of his squad.
Kinoshita Kazuya is a 20-year-old failure of a college student. He managed to kiss his girlfriend once, but was dumped after a month. Completely spiteful, Kazuya uses a certain method ...
The AMB Company is a leading electronics manufacturer. Their latest idea is an alternative to animal therapy; moe therapy, using bishojo androids. This story follows the lives of Kiyan ...
After being implicated in a deadly scandal, a trader at a leading London bank fights to clear his name, but instead uncovers an intercontinental conspiracy masterminded by powerful ...
The Impact ATL." Featuring Jayda Cheaves, Ari Fletcher, Dionte "Arrogant Tae" Gray, Lakeyah, and Dess Dior, the forthcoming eight-episode docuseries will aim to highlight some of ...