In 1943, as Japan's WWII effort falters, a vice-admiral proposes training squadrons of "volunteer" flyers to crash their armed planes into Allied warships. Yarn follows the lives of ...
Aspiring to an easy job as personal physician to a wealthy family, Noboru Yasumoto is disappointed when his first post after medical school takes him to a small country clinic under the ...
When LAPD computer expert Peter Fowler investigates the killing of an old man in Chinatown, he finds the only witness is his dog, Cho Cho. But Fowler soon discovers Cho Cho is the only ...
A beautiful but horny and neglected Beverly Hills wife hires a hot young stud as a gardener. It eventually gets through to her husband that some hanky-panky may possibly be going on, ...
Beta signs up for a standup comedy competition despite having never been on stage before. She asks Húgó, the winner of the same competition 10 years earlier for help with her comedy. ...
A poor but big-hearted man takes orphans into his home. After discovering his scientist father's invisibility device, he rises to the occasion and fights to save his children and all of ...
Every country that enforces the death penalty needs people to kill other people. Four men are put in front of an unthinkable but simple choice. Whatever they decide, it will directly or ...
The Halloween ban is now lifted in Helen's Valley, and the sorority girls of Gamma Tau Psi place Michelle in charge of their annual haunted house. Unfortunately for Michelle some ...
Choose Your Weapon focuses on an anxious new mother, locked in an horrific battle with her hyper-active imagination. Her terrifying task: a quick trip to the shops with her newborn.
A man with an unknown disease travels to an island with his girlfriend where his relatives once lived, hoping to find a cure to his illness. Although his relatives were all thought to ...